Variance to Board Resolution of May 25, 2021, Regarding Preregistration Requirements

The Reopening Resolution approved by the SCA Board of Directors at their May 25, 2021 conference call meeting required preregistration for all SCA functions. As attendance caps will no longer be required, and the need to collect attendee information for contact tracing, while still present, is reduced, the Society Seneschal in cooperation with the President has issued an implementation variance to the May 25 Resolution regarding preregistration. The goal is to allow for the efficient operation of Society events while still preserving the ability to provide attendee information to government or health authorities if requested.

Therefore, preregistration for SCA events will no longer be required starting July 1, 2021.

All who attend any SCA sponsored event in North America including local meetings, fighter practices, etc. must be signed in on a roster, at Troll, etc. prior to entering the event. This can be a roster sign-up sheet for small events, but along with a legal name the attendee must provide some method of contact. That can be email, phone number, or street address. Kingdoms may add additional requirements for events as they choose, but in all cases, there should be a complete list of those who are at any SCA event. Such event/meeting rosters should be kept by the local Seneschal or in the manner prescribed by the Kingdoms for such information. Such information will be held pending further instructions by the Society Seneschal or President.

Kingdoms and groups may continue to require preregistration for certain functions at their discretion.

Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](
Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](