Office of the Kingdom Webminister

Kingdom Webminister

Mistress Avicia de Loudonia

Responsible for the design and maintenance of the official web site for the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann; monitoring electronic publications, monitoring all branch websites for compliance with SCA rules.

Contact Information
Office Information

Files related to the office of the Webminister can be found in the Webminister Folder in the file library.

Reports are due on or before the following dates:  (Note: dates  in the Webminister’s Handbook are out of date: Society reports are due approximately 10 days after these deadlines.)

Feb 20 – For November through January
May 20 – For February through April
August 20 – For May through July
November 20 – For August through October

Please use the Online Report Form available here.


To be a Webminister, you must be approved by the Kingdom Webminister and appointed by your group Seneschal. Email the kingdom webminister at  if you have questions.


Deputy Webminister

Deputy Webminister / Google Admin

Library Deputy