Kingdom A&S Office Accepting Applications for Deputy of Education

Deputy of Education


The new title for the drop dead Kingdom Minister of Arts & Sciences. This role has been modified to be a reporting role for the local A&S officers. We believe this will better train each new incoming KMOAS to the responsibilities and skills needed to function well at their eventual KMOAS job. 

***Anyone taking this deputy position is signing up to be the next transitional officer to the KMOAS role***


This role will function as the check in for local officers. Reports will cycle from the local officers through this position and to the KMOAS for society level reporting. In this role you will be the first line of information for all local officers, assistance in resource requests, A&S event/ activity coordination help, and administrative guidance for our local officers. 

Term: A year and a half as deputy, then the transition to KMOAS after the end of the current officer term in 2026.


  • Provide support for local officers in recruiting of deputies
  • Assist in information transfer from incoming and outgoing local officers
  • With the KMOAS office, help create and maintain a repository of resource and legacy information for local officers
  • Engage with the local officers on what in person and virtual learning resources they are looking for and coordinate education efforts
  • Assist communities without local A&S officers in virtual learning opportunities.
  • Assist the KMOAS in the creation and set up of the Kingdom A&S event, so that you will have the experience to train the next Deputy of Education.
  • Attend monthly local officers meeting with the KMOAS
  • Attend monthly KMOAS office staff call
  • Attend monthly Guild leader call- for coordination of educational resources


  • Light to Medium Computer Literacy- this position coordinates with the KMOAS in google calendar, google drive, and google shared docs/ sheets. We also use several other database and coordination programs: trello, milanote, airtable, fillout etc. but all of these are exceptionally user friendly and we will train any incoming person on all applications. 
  • Soft People skills- the ability to work with a variety of people and personalities. 
  • Communication and Scheduling ability- This role requires coordination between the Web Minister’s office, Social Media, Kingdom Seneschal, and tons of local officers. The ability to communicate expectations and requests clearly, and the willingness to schedule virtual meetings or calls to clarify requests when needed are essential.
  • A Working knowledge of the A&S community. 

We are looking for inspiring and motivated A&S Community Leaders!

Send Applications to

Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](
Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](