Things that need to be done (strike through when completed)
- Pick a theme, install, etc. Needs to be mobile friendly. Experimentation is cool.
- Add a footer with standard disclaimer (after theme is installed)
- Modify theme code so child pages are displayed automatically (see also
- Build Kingdom level officers landing page (and prettify; see dev site)
- Build landing page for each kingdom level office (and link in to officers landing page)
SeneschalEarl MarshalExchequerCollege of HeraldsMinister Arts and SciencesChroniclerWebministerHigh SheriffChatelaineHistorianMinister of Children- Anyone else I missed
- Figure out how to add buttons instead of links (see also for an example) and update the faq page. (
- Install plugins:
ListicleFlamingo <- need this because forms argh!Really simple captchawp-mail-smtp <- need this because forms argh!Instead we will port forms to the forms server
WP Mailto Links – Manage Email LinksThe Events Calendar- Other plugins as needed