Office of the Kingdom Chatelaine

kingdom chataline badge

Kingdom Chatelaine

Asil al-Same

In the Middle Ages, the term chatelaine or castellan referred to the commander of the castle. The feminine form, chatelaine was the woman who supervised its daily function and kept the keys. Frequently, she was in charge of hospitality to guests. In Gleann Abhann, we use the term chatelain to refer to the officer who assists newcomers in their efforts to find a place within the Society for Creative Anachronism. Some kingdoms use the term hospitaller instead of chatelain(e).

Contact Information
Office Information

Message to Branch Chatelaines

Hello Chatelain(e)s!

Welcome to our very own web page.  Here you will find a copy of the handbook, the reporting form, and links that may help you spread knowledge to the masses.   If there is anything you’d like to see here, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email.

Files related to the office of the Chatelaine can be found in the Chatelaine Folder in the file library.

In the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann, Chatelain(e) quarterly reports are due by the 15th of the months April, July, October, and January. The report should cover the three previous months…so in April, you will be reporting about your group activities for January, February and March.  Chatelaine Report.

  • 1st Report Due April 15th
  • 2nd Report Due July 15th
  • 3rd Report Due October 15th
  • 4th Report Due January 15th.


Deputy Chatelaine

Welcome Letter From the Chatelaine

Welcome to the Current Middle Ages!

The Chatelaine of the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann’s job is to ensure you have any information you need, and that you feel welcome!

Welcome to the SCA.  We are a not for profit, educational organization dedicated to re-creating the Middle ages (pre 1600).  Instead of recreating actual medieval events, we try to recreate the times through creating personas that could have lived in that time era.

The first step to joining in the fun is to find your local group.  On the kingdom home page is a link to the listing of each group within the kingdom.  If you can’t find your home group, please, feel free to contact me via this website, and I can put you in touch with your local chatelain(e).