Office of the Kingdom Chronicler

kingdom chronicler

Kingdom Chronicler

Baroness Alienor de Ruggeby

Responsible for the design, publishing and distribution of the official monthly newsletter (Ambassador) for the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann.

Contact Information
Office Information

Files related to the office of the Chronicler can be found in the Chronicler folder in the file library or on this page.

Quarterly deadlines are as follows: March 15June 15, September 15 and December 15. Use the Local Chronicler Quarterly Report Form to submit your reports. If you have trouble, please contact the Chronicler’s office via email.

Group newsletters may be distributed in either printed or electronic format, or both. Local newsletters may be published monthly, bi-monthly or quarterly as the local officer wishes, however they must be published quarterly at the very least.  The published newsletter (electronic or hardcopy) is considered the report for the local chronicler. Electronic publications are acceptable, however, if the local groups newsletter is not published electronically, a hard copy must be sent to the address posted in the Ambassador for the Kingdom Chronicler.

Current requirements for event flyers can be located in the Chronicler’s section of the library.  Seneschals should use the Event Submission Form to submit events.

If any personally identifiable information, such as a real name or address, is going to be published then a release code for the individual(s) must also be submitted with the content. Please refer to the Release Deputy page for information on submitting a release form and obtaining a release code.


Deputy Chronicler

Release Deputy

The Ambassador

the ambassador cover

The Official Newsletter of the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann

Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](
Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](