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Known World Ministers of Arts and Sciences Summit

March 14, 2019

Kingdom of Gleann Abhann
Gulf Wars
Lumberton, MS

The Known World MoAS Summit will be held on Thursday (March 14th) at Gulf Wars in the al-Mahala encampment starting at 5:00 PM.

Officially the summit starts at 5:00 PM but that will coincide with most Kingdom-level courts. During the first hour or so, the Society Sciences MoAS Deputy will hold a roundtable discussion about “What counts as science versus art and where is the crossover between the two.”
Afterwards, there will be a meet-and-greet with the Society MoAS (while we wait for some other courts to finish up).
About 7:30-8:00ish, there will be a roundtable on what people would like to see in a Society MoAS Handbook. 
At the same time, there will be a breakout group holding a discussion on how to incorporate early period and non-European A&S with several specialist speakers.
Other breakout groups can be held throughout the summit, especially during the meet-and-greet and some Kingdom A&S Officers may use this opportunity to touch base with their officers to see how the War has went for their Kingdom.


March 14, 2019
Event Category:
Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](https://gleannabhann.net/paypal-registration-form/)
Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](https://gleannabhann.net/paypal-registration-form/)