Office of the Kingdom Exchequer

kingdom exchequer badge

Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer

Katerina Dmitrieva

Person in charge of financial reporting and handling of funds

Contact Information
Office Information

Files related to the office of the Exchequer can be found in the Exchequer Folder in the file library.

Monthly cash reconciliation: Society now requires that a signed copy of monthly cash reconciliation (page 2a) and signed copy of the bank statement be submitted to the Kingdom Exchequer’s Reporting Deputy by the last day of the following month. Here is a chart with the monthly recons and Quarterly Reports by month.

  • January monthly recon: Signed Page 2a – Signed Bank Statement – check register Due Feb. 28/29
  • February monthly recon: Signed Page 2a – Signed Bank Statement – check register Due March 31
  • March (Quarter 1 Report): Signed Pages 2a – 3- 4; Signed Bank Statement – check register – entire excel workbook – Due April 30
  • April monthly recon: Signed Page 2a – Signed Bank Statement – check register Due May 31
  • May monthly recon: Signed Page 2a – Signed Bank Statement – check register Due June 30
  • June (Quarter 2 Report): Signed Pages 2a – 3- 4; Signed Bank Statement – check register – entire excel workbook – Due July 31
  • July monthly recon: Signed Page 2a – Signed Bank Statement – check register Due August 31
  • August monthly recon: Signed Page 2a – Signed Bank Statement – check register Due Sept. 30
  • Sept. (Quarter 3 Report): Signed Pages 2a – 3- 4; Signed Bank Statement – check register – entire excel workbook – Due Oct. 31
  • Oct. monthly recon:Signed Page 2a – Signed Bank Statement – check register Due Nov. 30
  • Nov. monthly recon: Signed Page 2a – Signed Bank Statement – check register Due Dec. 31
  • Dec. (Quarter 4 Report): Signed Pages 2a – 3- 4; Signed Bank Statement – check register – entire excel workbook – Due January 31 of the following year.

If your group has no financial activity in a given month and your bank doesn’t send a monthly statement; an email to with a copy to your group Seneschal stating, “no financial activity for the month of XXXX, please accept this email of explanation” is sufficient.

Quarterly reports are Cumulative, not Sequential. Groups must use the most current version of the Quarterly Financial Reports. If one is unsure as to the version to use, please contact the Kingdom Exchequer. A copy of each Quarters’ report is to be given to the local group’s Seneschal and another kept in the local Exchequer’s file for viewing by the Populace. If an Exchequer has access to scanning capabilities, then Gleann Abhann allows email of scanned and signed copies of this reports requiring signatures.

Other Financial Reports:
Non-Member Registration (NMR): The Group NMR reports to the Kingdom are due to the NMR Deputy no later than 10 business days following the close of the event. NMR checks are mailed to the Kingdom Exchequer at the address shown on the NMR form within the same timeframe. Kingdom Exchequer reports and pays NMR to Society by the last day of the following month.  If groups need assistance with this report, please contact the NMR Deputy.

Event Financial Reports: The Group event report is due to the Kingdom Exchequer’s Reporting Deputy no later than 30 days from the close of each event. Kingdom Level Event reports must include legible copies of receipts from all event expenses.

If any of the above reports will be late, a request for extension and reason why, with a copy to your group Seneschal must be received by PRIOR to the report’s deadline to be considered.

The Kingdom Consolidated Report is due to Society by March 15th each year.


Exchequer Deputy

Exchequer Reporting Deputy


Chamberlain Deputy

Paypal Deputy

Non-Member Registration Deputy