Office of the Kingdom Minister of Children

Kingdom Minister of Children
Áine ingen Gilla Crist
To encourage and promote the education of children ages 5-17 in the ways of the SCA and the Middle Ages by providing or overseeing the provision of appropriate classes and activities at all Kingdom-level events, and to aid and assist all of Gleann Abhann’s Local Ministers of Children by providing counsel and training if needed.
Contact Information
Office Information
Files related to the office of the MoC can be found in the Minister of Children folder in the file library.
The following forms are required for all children attending an event with an adult other than their legal Guardians and can be found in the Sheriff folder.
- Designated Adult in Charge of an Unaccompanied Minor (Unaccompanied Minor – Designated Adult Form.pdf)
- Individual Minor Waiver (Individual Child Waiver.pdf)
- Medical Authorization for Minors (Medical Authorization.pdf)
Local MOC quarterly reports are due to the KMOC no later than:
1st Report (Nov – Jan) – Report Due February 21st
2nd Report (Feb – Apr) – Report Due May 21st
3rd Report (May – Jul) – Report Due August 21st
4th Report (Aug – Oct) – Report Due November 21st
Reporting may be done via email. A copy must be given to the local seneschal and a copy kept for local MOC files.
Dean of the Gleann Abhann Page School
- THL Marjory de Warenne
In the Gleann Abhann Ministry of Children (GAMOC) we…
- oversee children’s activities at all Principality level events.
- assist and interface with the Local Minister of Children (MOC).
- encourage education through the Gleann Abhann Page School (GAPS).
PowerPoint presentation that tells about the GAMOC Office
Minister of Children Flyer
Information for Local MoC’s