
In the SCA the Companions of the Order of the Pelican (OP) are those who have been recognized by the Crown and awarded a Patent of Arms (the highest level of award) for unrelenting service to the Kingdom and the Society, along with their consistent display of the virtues of Grace, Courtesy and Chivalric Demeanour.

Secretary: Christine O’Neill of Cork
Email: pelican@gleannabhann.net

Jane Falada of Englewood
Elevated: 1/20/1991
Blazon: Argent, a chevron vert, platy, in chief three English ivy leaves conjoined in pall inverted, slips to center, vert.

John the Bearkiller
Elevated 9/15/1991
Blazon: Gules, a sword argent hilted bendy sinister sable and Or, overall a brown bear’s head sinister facing erased, eyes closed proper, langued sable. As an augmentation, in dexter chief three mullets in fess argent.

Erik of Telemark
Elevated: 1/23/1995

Sionyn Muirgen ni Dhomnall
Elevated 5/15/1993
Blazon: Per pale sable and vert, a dolphin haurient within an orle argent charged with another purpure.

Jacqueline de Lyons
Elevated: 9/25/1993
Blazon: Argent, a lion rampant to sinister and in chief a coronet sable, all between four fleurs-de-lys in cross gules.

Lachlan Sinclair Dumas
Elevated: 4/9/1994
Blazon: Or, a griffin rampant to sinister purpure, beaked and forelegged gules, within a bordure nebuly sable.

Brenna Lowri o’Ruthin
Elevated 4/13/1996
Blazon: Or, an equal-armed Celtic cross within a bordure invected azure charged with a ribbon Or.

Daphne of Colchester
Elevated: 10/11/1997
Blazon: Quarterly Or and pean, a reremouse and a bordure gules.

Diana of the Isles
Elevated: 10/9/1999
Blazon: Azure, a Seahorse Argent, between three crescents Or.

Brigit Olesdottir of Loch Ree – RIP
Elevated: 9/11/1999
Blazon: Argent, a natural sea-horse azure between eight water-lilies in orle vert petaled gules.

Fiona Mairi MacQuarrie
Elevated: 4/29/2000

Linnet MacLeod
Elevated: 9/9/2000
Blazon: Or, a chevron rompu gules, in base a bull’s head caboshed sable.

Loric Sylvestris
Elevated: 10/14/2000
Blazon: Gules, on a bend sinister between a sword inverted and two linked annulets Or, three lyres palewise gules, all within a bordure Or.

Brigid Mhor inghen Mhurichada
Elevated: 10/27/2001
Blazon: Ermine, a rose gules, slipped and leaved vert, within a bordure sable.

Ahima bint al-‘Abbas al-Tanji
Elevated: 10/26/02

Michel Phillipe de Sarcey

Elevated: 2/15/2003 – Caid
Blazon: Gules, a dragon passant reguardant argent nimbed on a chief Or three crosses moline purpure.

Meaghan Arsmith of Ludlow
Elevated: 3/14/2003
Blazon: Or, three chevronels braced gules between a strung bow fesswise, string to base, surmounted by an arrow bendwise inverted, and a cross crosslet fitchy, all sable.

Gabrielle von Strassburg
Elevated: 3/14/2003
Blazon: Azure, a fess argent semy of compass stars azure between a coronet and a bear statant argent.

Broinnfinn inghean ui Cathain
Elevated: 3/14/2003
Blazon: Sable, a sword inverted Or between in pile two calla lilies slipped and leaved conjoined in base argent.

Stephan of Durham
Elevated: 12/6/2003
Blazon: Azure, on a bend sinister between two wolves passant to sinister argent, a sword inverted gules.

Taya de Montgomerie
Elevated: 12/6/2003

Eilidh nin Choinnich
Elevated: 3/19/2004
Blazon: Per pale argent and vert, a mountain, and in chief two arrows in saltire counterchanged.

Crystyna Hyrundo
Elevated: 3/19/2004
Blazon: Or, three martlets azure, a bordure gules semy-de-lys Or.


Jane Beaumont
Elevated: 8/27/2004
Blazon: Argent, a bend sinister wavy gules between a crescent pendant and a rose sable and for augmentation, the bend surmounted by a lozenge sable charged with a ram’s head erased argent armed Or collared gules.

Eleri de Caerleon
Elevated: 12/4/2004
Badge: (Fieldless) A winged mermaid proper crined sable, winged and tailed azure, facing dexter, sustaining a bow sable.

Morgan of Osprey
Elevated: 12/5/2004

Katheline von Weye
Elevated: 1/8/2005 by Phelan and Mariana (Atenveldt)
Blazon: Quarterly vert and purpure, a tulip slipped and leaved Or.

Rory au Riada
Elevated: 10/7/2006
Blazon: Gyronny arrondi purpure and Or, a maiden vested, arms raised argent, a bordure counterchanged.

Robert von Flusswasser
Elevated: 5/19/2007

Sarah MacGregor
Elevated: 6/23/07
Blazon: Gules semy of four-leaved clovers slipped, on a pale cotised argent a tankard sable.

Alysia Gabrielle de Fougeres
Elevated: 2/29/2007
Blazon: Per chevron vert and chevronelly argent and azure, in chief an escallop inverted argent between two dolphins haurient respectant Or.

Lailiane Ausonia
Elevated: 10/6/2007
Blazon: Or, a fret engrailed and a bordure engrailed sable.

Miriel du Bois
Elevated: 4/26/2008

Genevote Villeneuve de la Fleche
Elevated: 4/25/2009
Blazon: Vert, a natural demi-tiger couped contourny argent marked sable maintaining an arrow bendwise and in chief three crosses formy Or.

Mary-Grace of Gatland
Elevated: 3/17/2010
Blazon: Vert semy-de-lys, a sun and on a chief Or three roses gules.
currently in AnTir

Muirgen of the Mist (Morgana)
Elevated: 3/18/2010
Blazon: Purpure, a bend sinister between three gouttes and an arum lily bendwise sinister argent

Magdelena de Segovia
Elevated: 8/21/2010

Bethany Bacon
Elevated: 5/14/2011

Frederick Alton
Elevated: 9/17/2011

Blazon : Per bend wavy argent and vert, a bend wavy sable between a frog tergiant and a pair of rapiers in saltire counterchanged.

Barbara Sterling
Elevated: 12/10/2011
Blazon: Argent, on a dunghill cock gules a cross bottony Or a bordure azure mullety Or.

Maymunah bint Da’ud al Siqilliyah (Magdalene de Hazebrouck)
Elevated: 8/9/2012 (Atlantia)
Blazon: Purpure, a fess fusilly argent between three Arabian lamps Or enflamed proper.

Cormac Michelsone the Bald
Elevated: 9/29/2012
Blazon: Per pale vert and azure, a bear’s head cabossed Or between three closed scrolls fesswise argent.

Onóra inghean mhic Catháin
Elevated: 10/6/2012
Blazon: Sable, three fish naiant in annulo Or.

Elevated: 10/5/2013

Gilbert des Moulins
Elevated: 3/20/15
Blazon: Per pale gules and sable, an anchor Or and a cross formy swallowtail, a chief argent.

Emma Del Trees -RIP
Elevated: 4/11/15
Blazon: Azure, a stag springing to sinister Or gorged sable, in chief three oak leaves fesswise Or.

Rey Ribeaumont
Elevated: 4/25/2015
Blazon: Quarterly gules and vair, a vol Or, a bordure counterchanged argent and gules.

Guillermo Berenguer de los Almogávares “Hoppy”
Elevated: 4/25/2015
Blazon: Vert, a coney courant guardant to sinister, on a chief argent five fusils conjoined in fess vert.

Arianna Stefana
Elevated: 5/30/15

Tegan verch Dwgan
Elevated: 7/11/15
Blazon: Per pale azure and Or, on a lozenge sable between in chief two Bowen knots crosswise counterchanged a cinquefoil argent.

Ariadne de Ravenna
Elevated: 9/19/15

Gellir Gunnarsson
Elevated: 10/3/15
Blazon: Per bend sinister gules and sable, a sun in its splendor Or and a wolf’s head erased argent.

Brígiða Ingvarsdóttir
Elevated: 10/3/15
Emblazon: Per chevron azure and gules, a gryphon segreant erminois.

Marcel Orillon
Elevated: 12/5/15
Emblazon: Gules, on a bezant a dog statant sable, a bordure Or.

Elspeth of Stillwater
Elevated: 4/19/16 – Caid
Blazon: Per bend gules and purpure, a bend between a dragon passant reguardant argent and a threaded needle bendwise Or.

Marcilla la Despenseur
Elevated: 8/20/16

Blazon: Per chevron gules and argent two dogwood blossoms (new world) agent seeded vert and a Latin cross gules and a bordure vert

Kendra Dey
Elevated: 9/24/16
Blazon: Barry argent and sable, on a bend sinister azure three quatrefoil knots palewise argent.

Belisencia de Sawnyng
Elevated: 3/15/17
Blazon: Vert, a tree eradicated and on a chief argent three leeks purpure.

Ilissa the Nightwatcher
Elevated: 4/8/17
Blazon: Per fess sable and gules, two gyrons issuant from dexter chief and from sinister, conjoined at the honor point and in sinister chief an increscent, all argent.

Kane Redfeather
Elevated: 4/8/17
Blazon: Argent, two arrows inverted in saltire sable, fletched, on a chief gules, a tyger dormant Or

Danielle de la Roche
Elevated: 10/14/17
Blazon: Ermine, on a bend sinister purpure three lozenges palewise argent and in dexter chief a cross fleury gules.

Arielle de Brabazon
Elevated: 11/11/17
Blazon: Barry wavy argent and azure, on a pale vert an iris slipped and leaved argent.

Bran Finn hua Néill
Elevated: 3/15/18
Blazon: Per pale vert and sable, a raven between three crescents argent.

Damiano Elie Bellini
Elevated: 4/14/18
Blazon: Per pale ermine and sable, a seadragon per pale sable and argent, a chief indented azure.

Isabella Marjorie D’Arques
Elevated: 8/18/18
Blazon: Vert, a chevron counter-compony Or and sable between a cross flory Or and a leopard passant guardant Or spotted sable.

Aeduin Hacke
Elevated: 9/15/18
Blazon: Azure, on a pile argent between two lightning bolts in pile Or a double-bitted battle axe sable.

Brendan Sionnach
Elevated: 10/27/18
Blazon: Argent, a pale wavy azure between two annulets vert.

Dafydd ap y Kynith
Elevated: 11/10/18
Blazon: Quarterly sable and vert, two enfields combattant Or.

Katryne MacIntosh the Strange
Elevated: 3/30/19
Blazon: Per pale azure and argent, a catamount statant reguardant contourny counterchanged and in dexter chief a mullet of four points argent.

Judith Wilkinson
Elevated: 10/5/19
Blazon: Argent, a squirrel gules within a bordure sable semy of lozenges argent.

Myra of the Glen
Elevated: 10/26/19
Blazon: Or, a dragon passant to sinister gules maintaining a cauldron azure.

James Le Strange called the Holy
Elevated: 11/09/19

Kalisa Cherenova
Elevated: 12/7/19

Ibrāhīm ibn Dā’ūd ibn Sālim (Ibrahim ibn Da’ud ibn Salim)
Elevated: 10/17/20
Blazon: Per bend sable semy of beehives Or and gules, a bend, in base a bear rampant contourny Or.

Gentile D’Orleans
Elevated: 11/7/20
Blazon: Azure, on a bend sinister between a Celtic cross and a bow with arrow nocked argent five fleurs-de-lys azure.

Sara de la Val
Elevated: 9/25/21
Blazon: Per bend sinister azure and argent, a decrescent and a mullet counterchanged.

Dinara Torzhokskaia
Elevated: 11/13/21
Blazon: Per chevron gules and vert, a pall inverted between two horseshoes inverted and a horse’s head couped argent.

Rosalind bint Mihrimah
Elevated: 11/13/21
Blazon: Gyronny wavy sable and argent, an estoile of seven rays Or, a bordure wavy azure.

Deborah of Haleshaven
Elevated: 12/4/21
Blazon: Azure, on a chevron argent three bees palewise sable, and on a chief argent a beehive sable.

Christine O’Neill of Cork|
Elevated: 2/26/22
Blazon: Per saltire vert and sable, on a plate an opinicus sejant quarterly vert and sable, a bordure argent.

Medb ingen Dáire
Elevated: 4/9/20
Blazon:  Per chevron azure and vert, a raven rising wings displayed argent, in chief three mullets of eight points one and two Or.

Marjory de Warenne
Elevated: 5/21/22
Blazon: Per pale sable and azure, a Thor’s hammer, on a chief argent two ravens sable.

Ranulf il Tenance
Elevated: 9/3/22

Kathleen Simonetta Riario
Elevated: 10/1/22
Blazon: Or, a cross fleury gules, overall a panther rampant guardant sable bezanty, incensed gules, a bordure rayonny sable.

Soni Kurai Chakira Hito
Elevated: 10/29/22

Dediana du Corwyn
Elevated: 12/3/22
Blazon: Sable, between three crescents a stag’s attire affronty erased, a bordure dovetailed argent.

Zaneta moglie di Nicolo Marcello
Elevated: 12/3/22
Blazon: Per pale sable and azure, a spider between flaunches argent.

Dia Ramberti
Elevated: 1/21/23
Blazon: Per bend sinister gules and sable, a mullet of five greater and five lesser points within an orle argent.

Gaius Curtis Primus
Elevated: 1/21/23
Blazon:  Per bend sinister argent and sable, a maple leaf inverted sable and a Roman dining couch reversed Or.

Odhran macc Corbain
Elevated: 2/4/23

Vincent de L’estoile
Elevated: 3/15/23
Blazon: Per saltire vert and sable, a mullet of four points counterchanged and fimbriated argent.

Broinninn inghean Aindriasa  (Béibhinn inghean Aindriasa)
Elevated: 5/20/23
Blazon: Or, in pale a triquetra inverted gules and a double rose purpure, barbed and seeded proper, a bordure vert.

Thorfinna Kolsdottir (Þorfinna Kolsdóttir)
Elevated: 6/3/23
Blazon: Per fess invected argent and azure, two narwhals naiant-counter-naiant embowed counterchanged purpure and argent.

Sara de la Petra
Elevated: 9/2/23
Blazon: Per pale vert and gules, a cross of four holly leaves argent fructed Or, in chief three hawk’s bells argent.

Avicia de Loudonia
Elevated: 10/28/23
Blazon: Per pale argent and purpure, in pale three dragonflies counterchanged.

Jam Recarediz|
Elevated: 1/13/24
Blazon: Or, a cross between four escallops gules, a bordure azure.

Isabel Winterbourne
Elevated: 1/13/24
Blazon: Per chevron ermine and azure, a chevron and in base a Bowen cross Or.

Sebastian Martinez de Leon
Elevated: 10/5/24
Blazon: Per saltire Or and sable semy-de-lys Or, two lions rampant sable.


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Most photos copyright April Edwards (Duchess Danielle de la Roche)