• Please ensure that the event you are preregistering for is accepting paypal. Check the flyer.
  • Fill out this form and press the Next button, then the Submit button. Note that you can submit information for at most 6 people. Please check your email address.
  • You will receive an email confirming your submission shortly. If you have not received your submission confirmation within a reasonable time, please contact the Paypal deputy directly at gappdeputy@gmail.com – this usually means there was an error in the email address you provided.
  • Within 72 hours you will receive a paypal invoice. Click on the Payment button and pay either using your PayPal account, credit card or e-check.
  • You will get a confirmation of payment and an email notification of payment will be sent to the PayPal Deputy Exchequer.
  • Once the PayPal Deputy Exchequer receives confirmation of payment your reservation will be forwarded to the Reservationist for that particular event.

Do NOT send money via paypal without receiving an invoice first.

Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](https://gleannabhann.net/paypal-registration-form/)
Fighter’s Collegium - Registration Closes January 31st [Register Here](https://gleannabhann.net/paypal-registration-form/)