Their Royal Majesties

King Briar and Queen Anahita

Current residing Sovereign and Consort of Gleann Abhann.

Contact Information


Travel Coordinator

  • Persona: Rus 9th century
  • Colors: Green and white
  • Allergies: None
  • Interests: heavy / youth combat, leather work, arts & science
  • Beverages: water, tea, Coca-Cola
  • Food: meats, sweets, savory pie
  • Likes: sea shanty / bardic, camp fire, arts & science
  • Dislikes: pickled anything, strawberries and seafood, most all condiments (white sauce, mustard, catsup)
  • Gift Preferences: Largesse, leg wraps, cool stuff in general

  • Persona: Persian / Rus
  • Colors: blue, yellow, and red
  • Allergies: mango, Penicillin (so no Blue Cheeses)
  • Interests: heavy / youth combat, block printing, costuming Rus / Persian
  • Beverages: water, tea and mead
  • Food: meats, fruits and nuts
  • Likes: horses / rabbits, period patterning, puzzles
  • Dislikes: artificial sweeteners, most all condiments (sour cream, mayo, catsup), tomatoes,
  • Gift Preferences: cool beads, replica buttons, replica hooks, replica clasps

  • Spring Coronation – April 12-14, 2024
  • Vesna Visions – April 19-21, 2024
  • Spring Crown List/Beltaine – May 10-12, 2024
  • Lilies War – June 7-16, 2024
  • A Night at the Gold Dragon – July 13, 2024
  • Summer War Melees – July 20, 2024
  • Bamassippi Skirmishes – August 10, 2024
  • Aphar Faire – August 16-18, 2024
  • Kingdom A&S – September 20-22, 2024
  • Fall Coronation – October 4-6, 2024