Office of the Kingdom Earl Marshal

Kingdom Earl Marshal

Sir Gellir Gunnarsson

Responsible for overseeing the conduct of all martial arts activities, including but not limited to tournament lists, wars, combat archery, fencing and related activities such as scouting and target archery

Contact Information
Office Information

Files related to the office of the Marshalate can be found in the Marshalate Folder in the file library.

Local quarterly reports are due to the Reporting Deputy no later than the 15th of the month following the quarter. Please note the reporting schedule is not based on the calendar quarter.

1st Report (Nov 15 – Feb14) – Report Due February 15th
2nd Report (Feb15 – May 14) – Report Due May 15th
3rd Report (May15 – Aug14) – Report Due August 15th
4th Report (Aug15 – Nov14) – Report Due November 15th

Reporting may be done here. A copy must be given to the local seneschal.

Northern Reporting Groups

Blackwood, Blue Flats, Coill Fhionn Abhann, Fenn Barwyk, Grey Niche, Hammerhold, Iron Ox, Lagerdamm, Pilgrims Fount, Ravenshold, Rookshaven, Small Gray Bear, Smythkepe, and Tor an Riogh.

Southern Reporting Groups

Ardanroe, Axemoor, Blackmoor Keep, Caer Dun, Dragoun’s Weal, Loch Bais, Seleone, Troll Fen, Vogelburg, and Wyrmgist.

Marshal's & Deputies

Authorization Marshal

Rapier Marshal

Rapier Authorization Marshal

Combat Archery Marshal

Siege Weapon Marshal

Live Weapons Marshal

Youth Combat Marshal

Equestrian Marshal

Harness Marshal

Northern Reporting Deputy

Southern Reporting Deputy

Warranted Marshal

Personal representatives of the Earl Marshal; can perform fighter’s authorizations.

Knight Marshal

Personal representatives of the Earl Marshal on a local group level.

Marshal’s of the Field

Perform under the direction of the Earl Marshal/Marshal in Charge; can perform armor inspections, supervise list boundaries and melee’s.